: : Dramatic change in pollution Due to lockdown on the world.

Dramatic change in pollution Due to lockdown on the world.

When India imposed a nationwide lockdown a week ago, it was designed to stop the imminent spread of the novel coronavirus.

But, the India who consist of 1.3 billion population is also suffering from an another health issue is pollution before the coronavirus comes.

The world's largest lockdown means all the factorys, markets, shops are closed and most transportation suspended and also a construction work as india asks for people to stay at home and maintain a social distancing.

A data shows that main cities a recording a much lower levels of harmful microscopic particulate matter known as a PM 2.5 and of nitrogen dioxide, which is released from vehicles and power plant.

PM 2.5 is considered dangerous as it can lodge deep into the lungs and pass to the other organs and causing a serious health risks.

PM2. 5 index table

The image that shows the the effect of lockdown on pollution in major cities like DELHI, MUMBAI, BANGLURU, CHENNAI, KOLKATA is drastically decreases this is the good news for the India.

                      Air Quality index

Before and after pictures of the shows the dramatic effect on pollution due to lockdown

  • One -third of the world is under lockdown as a response of the coronavirus pendemic. 
  • Air traffic is down, fewer cars on the road and the factorys are closed so the pollution is decreasing drastically.

Before:A picture of the yamuna river before the lockdown, this situation is created because of downstream of New delhi, the capital of the India, which dumps 58% of its waste into the river. 

         New delhi, India on January 2015

After:The picture of yamuna river during lockdown, the drastically change in the water pollution of the Yamuna river. 

           New delhi, India on March 2020

Before:In 2019 CNN cited "Dangerous level of pollution" in New delhi describing India 's capital as "shrouded " in toxic throut searing cloud of brown smog. 

          New Delhi, India on January 2018

After:Due to lockdown New delhi, is experiencing"the longest spell of clean air on record"

           New delhi, India on April 8,2020

Before: Some days ago, Jakarta is ranks as the world smoggiest city according to the News

         Jakarta, Indonesia on July 26,2018

After:Blue skies shows the problem of smog in Jakarta, Indonesia is remove due to lockdown. 

       Jakarta, Indonesia on April 16,2020

Before:Before lockdown London was suffering from the Smog due to increasing levels of Nitrogen dioxide PM2. 5

                London, on April 15,2015

After:after the lockdown the same picture but in different years shows that the problem of the smog in the London is removed. 

                 London on April 21,2020

-----------------------------------------------------               A video shows the pollution in India is drastically decreased due to lockdown. 


   A video which tells that the world is healing from the pollution.

Conclusion: The above pictures shows that the world is healing from the pollution but on the other side there are 243,787 Deaths in the world and in the India there are 1301 Deaths according to the reports on 3rd may 2020 at 1:29 pm